The requirements for the competence of the personnel participating in the control activities are determined in accordance with the company's strategic goals.
The entire staff of the inspection body of type "C" - DOVERIE is competent to carry out control activities - physical and/or electrical control. Employees regularly attend qualification courses and in-house training is organized.
The technical means at the inspection body of type "C" - DOVERIE are calibrated according to the Calibration Program and according to the regulatory requirements. Calibrations are carried out in licensed laboratories, which proves the relevant metrological traceability.
Inspection body of type "C" - DOVERIE has implemented and maintains a management system capable of consistently meeting the requirements of BDS EN ISO / IEC 17020:2012.
Inspection body of type "C" - DOVERIE carries out control of physical factors of the working environment and control of electrical systems and equipment up to 1000 V.
The areas in which Inspection body of type "C" - DOVERIE is competent and can carry out control of new and operational objects are:
Control of physical factors:
Control of electrical systems and facilities up to 1000 V: